What is scalability in online learning?

What is scalability in online learning? As you develop learning initiatives for your organization, you may think about how they’ll hold up for three, five, or even ten years. LMS scalability means that your learning management system has the ability to expand with your business needs. New technologies, new integrations, business expansion. You will also need to support new technologies and integrations, organizational changes,  and business and market growth, to name a few. 

For example, your company may grow rapidly and need to have many new users accessing the training materials as you bring on new employees or open additional offices. Or, you may start small with one or two learning initiatives, understanding that you’ll be expanding your training efforts over time. 

Whatever the reason for seeking a scalable solution, it is vital to find a platform capable of meeting your organization’s learning needs as your business grows. Unsure what an LMS is?

Why do you need a scalable LMS?

Technology is changing faster than ever, and your organization needs the ability to pivot and grow. Your learning and development program can support the changing elearning needs of your company and learners with the right LMS.

A scalable LMS makes it easy to roll out new training materials throughout different branches of your organization. For example, you could pilot new security training efforts in one team, then add new users to the platform to take the course later. 

A scalable LMS also allows you to provide training in different languages, if your company has a number of users in multiple locations, or to easily upload new training material in another language if your organization expands to have offices in a different country. 

What to look for in a scalable LMS 

There are many LMS vendors on the market offering an elearning platform to help support your training programs. Look for a learning management system that has a scalable framework designed to support the administrative tasks, concurrent users, complex training efforts, and other features your business needs to find success as it grows. 

Features to look for include:

  • Easy to add new trainings: As your training needs grow with your business, the right LMS will let you easily manage individual courses and update training materials. 
  • Integrations with other systems: Running an LMS solution that doesn’t connect with the other software you use for your business isn’t an option anymore. Consider how an LMS solution integrates with other systems your organization uses in order to meet the changing needs of your company. 
  • Able to manage large volumes of data and usage: A scalable solution will support your business growth, with the ability to handle learner data, along with a large number of users accessing the elearning platform at the same time. 
  • Allows flexible access for users: As your business grows, you may find a number of users want to be able to access learning from other platforms. Easily manage how users access training via mobile, desktop, remote, or in-person. 
  • Continuous updates and development: Seek out an LMS that is fully supported by the company that developed it, so you can be sure the technology will always be updated to meet the changing needs of the market.
  • Maintains the highest level of security: It is absolutely vital that your elearning platform be developed to the highest security standards in order to protect sensitive business data and user data. 

If you’re looking for a learning management system that will support the success of your organization as it grows, Contact our team!


Published on January 13, 2022